Dragon Ball TF Wiki

Dragon Ball TF - Tenkaichi 2 is the sequel to the popular DBTF game Dragon Ball TF - Tenkaichi. The sequel added more characters, sagas and features. There is also an added Z Evolution feature.

Playable Characters[]

  1. Kid Goku
  2. Goku
  3. Goku (GT)
  4. Goku (GT) SSJ
  5. Goku (GT) SSJ2
  6. Goku (GT) SSJ3
  7. Goku (Kaio-ken)
  8. Goku FSSJ
  9. Super Goku
  10. Goku SSJ
  11. Goku SSJ (Kaio-ken)
  12. Goku SSJ2
  13. Goku SSJ3
  14. Goku SSJ4
  15. Goku HSJ
  16. Kid Vegeta
  17. Vegeta (Scouter)
  18. Vegeta
  19. Vegeta (GT)
  20. Vegeta (GT) SSJ
  21. Vegeta SSJ
  22. Super Vegeta
  23. Vegeta SSJ2
  24. Vegeta SSJ3
  25. Vegeta HSJ
  26. Vegeta HSJ2
  27. Vegeta HSJ2
  28. Baby Vegeta
  29. Baby Vegeta 2nd Form
  30. Super Baby Vegeta
  31. Great Ape Baby Vegeta
  32. Gogeta
  33. Gogeta SSJ2
  34. Gogeta SSJ3
  35. Gogeta SSJ4
  36. Vegito
  37. Vegito SSJ
  38. Vegito SSJ2
  39. Vegito SSJ3
  40. Kid Katai
  41. Katai
  42. Katai SSJ
  43. Katai SSJ2
  44. Katai SSJ3
  45. Katai USSJ3
  46. Kid Rokku
  47. Rokku SSJ
  48. Rokku USSJ3
  49. Taikku
  50. Taikku SSJ
  51. Taikku SSJ2
  52. Adult Taikku
  53. Taikkuta
  54. Taikkuta SSJ
  55. Taikkuta SSJ2
  56. Taikkuta HSJ
  57. Krillin
  58. Yamcha
  59. Tenshinhan
  60. Ox King
  61. Kid Chi-Chi
  62. Chi-Chi
  63. Yajirobe
  64. Pan
  65. Kid Gohan
  66. Teen Gohan
  67. Teen Gohan SSJ2
  68. Gohan
  69. Gohan SSJ
  70. Gohan SSJ2
  71. Gohan SSJ3
  72. Great Saiyaman
  73. Kid Trunks
  74. Kid Trunks SSJ
  75. Kid Trunks SSJ2
  76. Future Trunks
  77. Super Trunks
  78. Trunks
  79. Trunks SSJ
  80. Trunks SSJ2
  81. Trunks SSJ3
  82. Trunks USSJ3
  83. Trunks (GT)
  84. Trunks (GT) SSJ
  85. Trunks (GT) SSJ2
  86. Trunks (GT) SSJ3
  87. Kid Goten
  88. Kid Goten SSJ
  89. Kid Goten SSJ2
  90. Goten
  91. Goten SSJ
  92. Goten SSJ2
  93. Gotenks
  94. Gotenks SSJ
  95. Gotenks SSJ2
  96. Gotenks SSJ3
  97. Adult Gotenks
  98. Adult Gotenks SSJ
  99. Adult Gotenks SSJ2
  100. Adult Gotenks SSJ3
  101. Piccolo
  102. Frieza 1st Form
  103. Frieza 2nd Form
  104. Frieza 3rd form
  105. Frieza
  106. 100% Power Frieza
  107. Cooler
  108. Transformed Cooler
  109. King Cold
  110. Bardock
  111. Bardock SSJ
  112. Bardock (Great Ape)
  113. Fasha
  114. Fasha (Great Ape)
  115. Tora
  116. Tora (Great Ape)
  117. Borgos 
  118. Borgos (Great Ape)
  119. Shugesh
  120. Shugesh (Great Ape)
  121. Kannasan Warrior
  122. Bojack
  123. Zangya
  124. Garlic Jr.
  125. Imperfect Cell
  126. Semi-Perfect Cell
  127. Perfect Cell
  128. Super Perfect Cell
  129. Buu
  130. Super Buu
  131. Kid Buu
  132. Ultra Buu
  133. Pure Evil Buu
  134. King Kai
  135. Nappa
  136. Burter 
  137. Recoome
  138. Guldo 
  139. Jeice
  140. Captain Ginyu
  141. Captain Ginyu (Goku's Body)
  142. Zarbon
  143. Transformed Zarbon
  144. Dodoria
  145. Cui
  146. Broly
  147. Broly SSJ
  148. Broly LSSJ
  149. Broly LSSJ3
  150. Bio-Broly
  151. Lord Slug
  152. Android 8
  153. Android 800
  154. Android 13
  155. Super Android 13
  156. Android 14
  157. Android 15
  158. Android 16
  159. Android 17
  160. Hell Fighter 17
  161. Super 17
  162. Android 18
  163. Android 19
  164. Android 1900
  165. Android 20
  166. Raditz
  167. Radiz SSJ
  168. Lettc
  169. Lettc SSJ
  170. Maca
  171. Maca SSJ
  172. Killza
  173. Killza 2nd Form
  174. Killza 3rd Form
  175. Killza 2.0
  176. Okur
  177. Revlis
  178. Hero
  179. Hero SSJ
  180. Heroine
  181. Heroine SSJ
  182. Beserker 
  183. Beserker SSJ
  184. Froze
  185. Chilled
  186. Turles
  187. Amond
  188. Daiz
  189. Cacao
  190. Rasin
  191. Lakasei
  192. Salza
  193. Dore
  194. Neiz
  195. Baby